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Number of results 2 for world oceans day

08/06/2020 - Grand challenges in marine ecosystem ecology
    Coinciding with the World Oceans Day, on 8th June, the Marine Ecosystem Ecology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Marine Science, has a renewed scope. The Specialty Chief Editor, Angel Borja (member of SIBECOL), and the Associate Editors of the journal, have discussed the main challenges in marine ecosystems ecology for coming decade, deserving research, and have identified six main challenges, ranging from understanding of interaction among diversity and ecosystem processes, structure and function, to ecosystem shifts, biodiversity and habitat loss, restoration, sustainability strategies for human activities in the ocean, including the assessment of ocean health, cumulative human impacts and climate change, as drivers of shifts, or marine conservation.
    Eight secondary challenges include the links between ocean health with human health, impacts of alien species, loss of natural coastlines and ecosystem services, impacts on the deep ocean, impacts in the land-ocean continuum, the ‘holobiont’ paradigm, ecosystem-based management, and emerging pollutants. As governance and social priorities, the editors identified some major challenges: meeting UN Sustainable Development Goals, new methods into decision support tools for policy frameworks, climate-ready Marine Spatial Planning and MPAs, transnational observation strategies, engaging society more effectively in ocean science, and the role of fake news. Finally, some methodological priorities are: developing molecular tools for marine applications, addressing problems multidimensionally, promoting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies, use of big data and machine learning, modelling and developing thresholds/targets to assess current and future ecosystems health.

The paper can be downloaded for free here

07/06/2020 - The health and biodiversity of the oceans (Webinar)

Within the context of the World Oceans Day, a series of webinars have been organized by the Catalan Water Partnership in collaboration with the Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua (Barcelona City Council) to present current problems such as mercury or plastic contamination in the ocean, as well as to present innovative projects to improve the water quality of our seas and oceans. This Monday (8th June), the program involves the participation of two young researchers from the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), members of SIBECOL, who will talk about the problem of plastics in the sea (Cristina Romera-Castillo) and mercury contamination (Andrea G. Bravo).

We invite you to attend! (the talks will be in Spanish)

More info here
Registration here

Programme June 8th
10:00 - Welcoming act CWP/AMB
10:15 - El plástico: de tu mano al mar y del mar a tu plato - Cristina Romera Castillo (ICM-CSIC)
10:30 - La problemática de un contaminante global: interacciones materia orgánica y mercurio - Andrea García (ICM-CSIC)
10:45 - Parques de arrecifes artificiales del Litoral de Barcelona - Sito Alarcón (ZOO Barcelona)
11:00 - Ciencia ciudadana y biodiversidad en las playas de Barcelona - Andrea Comaposada (Anèl·lides)

The link for the webinar will be sent on the same day.